Founder's note
Founder's Note:
It is everyone’s dream to be an Entrepreneur. I had this dream since my school days, then the BUT, BUT, BUT stopped me until I took the giant and scary step to leave the Corporate World which was not bad at all, but the push to do something I love was too great. In fact, I appreciated the trust, the friendship, the abundance of knowledge and definitely the fantastic perks of business class travel, the 5 star hotels, the great dining and social recognition in the High Fashion and Beauty and Cosmetic Industries that took me throughout, Asia, Europe and America. All these great experiences derived from being in Procurement, Marketing, Branding and General Management positions in great companies helped me in rolling out my company, Art Tree Pte Ltd in 1997 with much more confidence.
My sharing now starts for those who wants to be your own boss.
Art Tree Pte Ltd started out in 1997 believing in :
Outstanding Quality, Amazing Designs, Meeting Killer Deadlines, Servicing with our hearts
As a Start-Up then in 1997, we had our share of learning curves, our pain, our disappointment and of course our joy, our excitement too. In this area of design and product manufacturing, the Passion for Excellent Creativity, Attention to Details and Quality Work give rise to unexplained Energy. After more than 22 years in this industry, we give thanks every day that we consistently meet with excellent Customers, some of whom have shared our journey since we were just start ups. We are very grateful too that many of the top factories that produce for major brands internationally have given us their solid support all these years.
Yours truly,
Eunice Tan
Founder of Art Tree